Amazon Seller Growth Opportunities and Challenges
Source: Jungle Scout (PDF) Published: February 2020 n = 1,046 Amazon sellers

Source: Jungle Scout (PDF)
Published: February 2020
n = 1,046 Amazon sellers
Amazon Seller Growth Opportunities and Challenges
Circulated: February 25, 2020
86% of Amazon sellers surveyed think Amazon is a good company for consumers, but only 58% of Amazon sellers think Amazon is a good company for sellers.
Ways Sellers plan to grow their businesses in 2020:
54% Expand existing brand with new products
48% Launch new products (unrelated to current products)
46% Optimize current product listings
41% Get more ratings and reviews
39% Spend more money on advertising
36% Sell on Amazon marketplaces across the globe
32% Sell on other e-commerce platforms
Concerns of selling on Amazon:
78% Increasing advertising costs
76% Amazon shutting down their account and/or listings seemingly abruptly or without reason
68% Chinese suppliers selling similar products at lower costs
64% Poor seller support from Amazon
57% Impact of tariffs on goods from China
53% Amazon selling its own products that directly competes with the Seller’s