August 10: COVID-19 online grocery shopping
COVID-19 has changed the way people shop for their groceries.
Source: Brick Meets Click
Published: June 2020
n = 1,781 US adults
COVID-19 online grocery shopping
Circulated: August 10, 2020
Households are using delivery and pickup services to satisfy a larger portion of their grocery needs due to COVID-19.
When comparing August 2019 to June 2020:
Sales for delivery and pickup groceries have increased by 500%(from $1.2 billion to $7.2 billion)
Orders have increased by 430% (from 16 million to 85 million)
The spend per order has increased by 17% (from $72 to $84, on average)
Online order frequency has doubled, with the average customer ordering 1.9 times per month
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