August 17: Reasons for buying cryptocurrency (UK)
The majority of UK crypto buyers report that they actually use the cryptocurrency they purchase.
Source: UK Financial Conduct Authority
Published: June 2021
Reasons for buying cryptocurrency (UK)
Based on online surveys distributed at the beginning of 2021, the majority of UK crypto buyers (68%) report using the cryptocurrency they purchase.
Main reasons for buying cryptocurrencies, 2021
I use cryptocurrency: 68%
As a gamble that could make or lose money: 38%
I don’t want to miss out on buying cryptocurrencies: 18%
Expecting to make money quickly: 17%
For a political choice/ideological reason (e.g. I don’t trust the financial system): 15%
Other: 13%
*Note: Answers do not add up to 100%, as respondents could cite multiple reasons.
Is there a survey to calculate how much percent of the population is buying cryptocurrency?