August 19: Who are Fact of the Day 1’s followers?
Today’s fact is about you, readers of Fact of the Day 1.
Source: Fact of the Day 1
Published: August 2021
Who are Fact of the Day 1’s followers?
Today’s fact is about you, readers of Fact of the Day 1. Using data from 27k followers on LinkedIn, here are the top locations and job functions of readers.
Top locations of Fact of the Day 1 readers and % of readers
Greater Seattle, WA: 21%
Bengaluru, India: 9%
New York City, NY: 9%
Sao Paulo area, Brazil: 7%
London, UK: 6%
San Francisco Bay, CA: 6%
Washington, DC: 4%
Hyderabad, India: 3%
Madrid, Spain: 3%
Paris, France: 2%
Other locations: 30%
Top job functions of Fact of the Day 1 readers
Engineering: 20%
Program/Project Management: 11%
Sales: 11%
Business Development: 8%
Information Technology: 7%
Marketing: 6%
Product Management: 6%
Human Resources: 5%
Finance: 4%
Other job function: 6%