August 31: Social Engineering
Tips on how to avoid becoming the victim of a social engineering scam.

Source: Webroot
Published: November 2018
Social Engineering
Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into giving up confidential information. Criminals often use social engineering tactics as it can be easier to take advantage of humanity’s natural inclination to trust than it is to hack software.
One type of social engineering is a phishing attack, where a scammer imitates a trusted source to create a seemingly logical scenario for the victim to hand over confidential information.
Tips to avoid being a victim
Slow down. Spammers want you to act fast, so they often convey a sense of urgency.
Double-check links. Hover over a link to see the URL before clicking — especially for external senders.
Beware of attachments, especially if you aren’t expecting a file from the sender.
Bonus: Example of a phishing email pretending to be

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