December 7: Gender Diversity by Tech Company
Company diversity stats across tech (self-reported)
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Source: TrueUp
Published: December 2022
Gender Diversity by Tech Company
Ranking: 1
Company: Netflix
% of women in tech roles: 37%
Ranking: 2
Company: Shopify
% of women in tech roles: 33%
Ranking: 3
Company: Airbnb
% of women in tech roles: 32%
Ranking: 4
Company: PayPal
% of women in tech roles: 27%
Ranking: 4
Company: Intuit
% of women in tech roles: 27%
Ranking: 4
Company: Salesforce
% of women in tech roles: 27%
Ranking: 7
Company: Adobe
% of women in tech roles: 26%
Ranking: 8
Company: Google
% of women in tech roles: 26%
Ranking: 9
Company: Meta
% of women in tech roles: 25%
Ranking: 10
Company: Microsoft
% of women in tech roles: 24%
Note: Reporting on diversity in tech roles is optional. Amazon and Tesla are two companies that don’t report this breakout.
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Amazon does report some gender stats here on page 83: