February 1: Inflation rate per country in 2021
The countries with the highest and lowest inflation rates in 2021.
Source: Trading Economics
Published: December 2021
Inflation rate per country in 2021
Inflation refers to the increase in standard prices of consumer goods and services. Below are the countries with the highest and lowest inflation rates in 2021.
Highest Inflation Rates
Country: Venezuela
Inflation rate: 1198%
Country: Sudan
Inflation rate: 340%
Country: Lebanon
Inflation rate: 201%
Country: Syria
Inflation rate: 139%
Country: Suriname
Inflation rate: 63%
Lowest Inflation Rates
Country: Rwanda
Inflation rate: -2%
Country: Chad
Inflation rate: -0.5%
Country: Maldives
Inflation rate: -0.2%
Country: Japan
Inflation rate: 0.6%
Country: Gabon
Inflation rate: 0.6%
Bonus: in the same time period, the United States, European Union and Australia had an inflation rate of 7%, 5% and 3%, respectively.
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Do all nations measure inflation the same way? It would seem the same "basket" of goods might perform differently in different cultures. Curious how the data is collected so that we know we're comparing apples to apples.