Lean Manufacturing
Source: Toyota
Published: May 2016
Lean Manufacturing
Circulated: August 19, 2019
Definition: a Japanese method that relentlessly works to eliminate waste from the manufacturing process without sacrificing productivity.
Pillars of lean manufacturing:
Andon: highlighting a problem as it occurs; halts production so that a solution can be found; often activated by a pull-cord or button.
Just-In-Time: arranging regular, small deliveries of exactly the correct amount required; saves warehouse space and unnecessary cost-carrying.
Kaizen: combining collective talents to standardize procedures and eliminate waste; often performed in a kaizen blitz.
Kanban: work items are represented visually on a board, allowing team members to see the state of every piece of work at any time.
Muda: any activity or process that does not add value; examples such as transport and waiting time.
Hansei: a reflection meeting to recognize mistakes and take appropriate action to avoid re-occurrence.
Gemba: taking the time to watch how a process is done and talking with those who do the job; often referred to as a Gemba Walk.