March 8: Women in Legislatures Globally
Women make up 25.4% of legislative seats around the world, an increase from 19.1% ten years ago.
In honor of International Women’s Day, today’s fact was brought to you in partnership with Women@Amazon.
Source: Congressional Research Service
Published: February 2021
Women in Legislatures Globally
Women and girls make up half of the world’s population; however, in most countries, women are underrepresented in the political process at the national level. Women make up 25.4% of legislative seats around the world, an increase from 19.1% ten years ago.
As of December 1, 2020, women held 50% or more of the legislative seats in three countries: Rwanda, Cuba, and the United Arab Emirates.
Worldwide % of Women in Total Legislative Seats:
2020: 25.4
2018: 24.0
2016: 22.8
2014: 21.4
2012: 20.3
2010: 19.1
2008: 18.3
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