November 5: Sustainability goals at major tech companies
Many big tech companies have set their own timelines for reaching net carbon neutrality.
Source: Apple, Amazon, Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Facebook
Published: July 2020, November 2020, September 2020, March 2021, January 2020, June 2021
Sustainability goals at major tech companies
Net carbon neutral is a sustainability goal of achieving zero carbon dioxide emissions, through offsets and outright removal of carbon in industry. Many big tech companies have set their own timelines for reaching net carbon neutrality.
Companies are reaching for net carbon neutrality through various means, including renewable energy usage, incorporating recycled materials, upgrading to energy-efficient buildings, and funding ecosystem restoration.
Carbon neutrality goals of major tech companies
Company: Google
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2007
Company: Facebook
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2020
Company: Netflix
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2022
Company: Apple
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2030
Company: Microsoft
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2030
Company: Amazon
Projected year to reach net carbon neutral: 2040
Also wondering if Google and Facebook hit their targets. If not, how late were they? As Rob and Erik noted, while at first glance, it might appear that Amazon is lagging, it likely generates a lot more carbon given the movement of physical goods and will need to take more actions and do more "work" to reach neutrality.
Similar to Erik, Amazon is often lumped in as a tech company, for comparisons like this it would be more accurate to consider Amazon a retailer (comps would be Target, Walmart, Kroger, etc.). I don't think Amazon breaks out carbon neutrality by business, but i would guess AWS and corporate would be carbon neutral well before the whole company.