Source: LivePlan
Published: November 2016
SWOT Analysis
Circulated: April 7, 2020
Use SWOT Analysis to assess your organization’s current position before you decide on any new strategy. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Strengths and weaknesses are things that you have some control over and can change (internal).
Opportunities and threats are things that you cannot change but can react to that go on outside your company (external).
Example: Markley’s Dog Daycare
Strength #1
Location: convenient for dog drop off
Strength #2
Brand: customers love the origin story
Weakness #1
Scheduling: clients double-booked often
Weakness #2
Lack of experience: only 3 months in business
Opportunity #1
Growing: the pet industry is growing year-over-year
Opportunity #2
Grooming: a new service customers ask for
Threat #1
On-demand: competitors are offering dog walks booked via an app
Threat #2
Holiday surge: too much demand can lead to disappointed customers