July 19: Vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian
People surveyed in the UK are adopting diets with fewer animal products.
Source: Our World in Data
Published: May 2022
Vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian
Most people still eat some meat. Still, survey data shows that many report adopting a diet with fewer animal products. Younger adults are more likely to identify as vegetarian or vegan compared to older generations.
Meat eater: 70%
Flexitarian: 16%
Vegetarian: 5%
None: 4%
Pescetarian: 3%
Plant-based / Vegan: 2%
– Flexitarian: mainly vegetarian, but occasionally eat meat or fish
– Pescetarian: eat fish but do not eat meat or poultry
– Vegetarian: do not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, or shellfish
– Plant-based / Vegan: do not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product
About the data: This survey data is from 2,000 UK adults surveyed on their dietary choices in December 2021.
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