This is interesting! Would be curious to see US stats next to this as well for comparison and benchmark.

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Absolutely! Check out Dan German's comments on this fact for more thinking on this.

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I would be really interesting to show a comparison of these data points compared to the US. I think many Americans would be surprised that we are going the opposite direction as China in at least a few of these. Might also be interesting to see EU/UK alongside the US and China numbers as well.

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Ask and you shall receive, Dan! Here is the US and China compared (which was featured in the book.) Think this warrants its own fact? Picked focusing on China for today's fact because I felt it told a strong story standalone (and would be more complex for readers if compared.)


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I agree that the China data originally shared is a strong standalone story for China. The comparison data about education was interesting (and more encouraging than I would have expected). However, the other China data, share of GDP, poverty line, live expectancy, infant mortality rate and literacy data was what I was referring to. Do you have this data available for the US? and EU?

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I don't have that data across countries, unfortunately. I bet Ray Dalio's research team does—or that estimates exists somewhere! Definitely a fun idea for a future fact. If you find it, please share!

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